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Datapage+ Issue sending stats over

I am having an issue with only a few programs sending stats over. I will run a program and then go check datapage and the entry for the transaction is there, but once I hit "apply to" all I see is my feature variables and no dimensional results. My work around is I delete my stats command at the beginning of the program and then save the program, exit, open it back up, add a stats command pointing to my database and then hit "send current stats to file".

This happens on only a couple select programs. The rest of them update perfectly. All I use is a stats command at the start of the program, select my database from the drop down connection. I always test the connection when this happens and its perfectly fine. My database connection properties is using the first option bullet with my database selected.

Any ideas why this is only happening on a couple programs?
  • Check in the right hand corner of windows to make sure Data Importer is running.

    If not Goto start and start it. Next right click on icon and then left click on Settings

    On the General Tab Path to Monitor click on browse to see where your STATS are going

    notice auto check. I have mine to check every minute. Default is 5 minutes. So if you run your program. It may not show up in Datapage for another 5 minutes.

    Your Path should be Users/Public/Public Documents/WAI/Datapage+/ForStatsFiles

    If not go ahead and click on that path. Then click on Miscellaneous Tab for the next page.
    Move to Directory. Same Path as above except choose ForHandleFiles here.

    Also make sure that the box is checked there. Start when login the system.
    That way when you start your computer it automatically starts with it.


    Unless of course your running Windows 10. DataPage 5.2 is broken. If you are running Windows 10, DataPage 5.0 works, and you have to run Data Importer 5.0
  • update Peter Fuller said Datapage 5.2 works with his windows 10
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