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From the very beginning....

Hello all,

Please stay with me whilst I describe my situation. At present, we 'apparently' own several copies of datapage around the company on production lines but I have yet to find them. These aren't really much use to me anyway since I can't play with them in the event that I destroy a quality metric.

In our engineering company, we run a Special Products department. One of their functions is to produce prototype parts for new designs requested by the customer. The quality control for this process is to test 30 samples on the CMM machine to ensure it is accurate to the drawing.

Although we sample each batch, we do not compare each sample in a batch to another, so we can't track deviation in the process.

Now, to DataPage. From what I have read on the forum and the sales pitch, it would appear the software is perfectly capable of analysing the data. My concern is how to extract the data. A fundamental requirement of the new process is that we track each batch and drawing, and that the data is extractable from any of the office areas.

Now, the questions:

It has been noted before that DataPage can be difficult to set up, but once running, its fine. Could someone with no experience in the software, but technically able, be capable of setting up this software? Is the documentation provided up to the task?

Can the report that DataPage produces be exported as a static data snapshot e.g. a JPG?

Approximately how much is this software (we're based in the UK) or should I really be contacting sales Slight smile ?

The database in which DataPage holds all its data, is this fully configurable to add new tables and attributes as well as applications to assist in data exportation and extraction?

Do PCDMIS provide a tool that allows direct access to the data without the analysis side e.g. DataPage without the report?

I'm very new to DataPage, so I'm still reading and therefore apologise should any of these questions been covered in a thread that I haven't read yet.

Thanks for your time.

  • Datapage is NOT hard to set up. I had NO training in the software, got it with the Pcdmis bundle, no problem to use, IF you know anything much about computers (IMO).

    I think you could set it up. Simple, you install the software, you make a database (or install the DEMO database and use it!). You add 1 coding to the PCdmis program, it saves the data.

    Datapage does NOT 'print' to a file, however, CUTEPdf Writer is a free download, it acts as a printer, but prints to a PDF file whic ANYONE can open and see.


    The database is a bug-a-boo with Datapage, IMO. When you delete something form it, it does NOT get deleted, it can simply no longer be accessed and the size of the database goes up and up and up and requires 'cleaning' (more info if needed is available). However, you can set up as many database as you want (one per part, if you so desire) and all you need to do in that case is to open the database you require (from Datapage) to access the data (part) you want.

    Pcdmis can NOT access Datapage, it is strictly a one-way street with Pcdmis sending data TO datapage, it can not get any data back. However, there HAS been talk (B&S/Wilcox) about 'putting' Datapage INTO Pcdmis. However, with the way they 'add' things to Pcdmis, I hope they do NOT do this and even when they do, it will probably take 8 or 9 versions/MR's to get it working correctly. And, it will also (probably) require an entirely NEW user interface that will then require a monitor capable of 3600x2400 resolution for you to be able to see what it is doing.
  • Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Since I have never even seen DataPage running, it makes it hard to visual its integration. I didn't realise it was capable of summarising output to a printer.

    It's good to hear that it is easy to setup. I'm a senior software engineer so I would hope my knowledge of computers should suffice, my knowledge of PCDMIS on the other hand is non existent.

    The clean up sounds like it could be a problem as the process is aimed at technicians, but I suppose that isn't anything training or a scheduled review wouldn't fix.

    You mention the one way traffic into DataPage. How does this transaction occur? Is it a function in PCDMIS triggered by the user?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Since I have never even seen DataPage running, it makes it hard to visual its integration. I didn't realise it was capable of summarising output to a printer.

    It's good to hear that it is easy to setup. I'm a senior software engineer so I would hope my knowledge of computers should suffice, my knowledge of PCDMIS on the other hand is non existent.

    The clean up sounds like it could be a problem as the process is aimed at technicians, but I suppose that isn't anything training or a scheduled review wouldn't fix.

    You mention the one way traffic into DataPage. How does this transaction occur? Is it a function in PCDMIS triggered by the user?

    Thanks again.


    Yep, When the coding is added to the Pcdmis program (REAL simple) the operator is prompted at the end of the program if he wants to update Datapage. Ya tell it YES, it sends the data to datapage.

    As for the clean-up of the database, it is NOT that hard, really. After you have deleted a bunch of stuff, it is a simple matter of doing an ASCII Archive dump (Datapage function) of all the parts that are still in the database (all those that are NOT deleted, deleted ones will not archive off). You then make a new database, then do an ASCII Archive LOAD of the DUMP you made earlier. Myself, I have a blank, empty, virgin (if you will) database saved in a directory. When I do a 'cleaning', I simply MOVE the files in the 'working' database directory to another one, then COPY the blank to that location, and do the load. It sounds a LOT harder than it really is. Takes about 5 minutes, MAX to do.
  • I'm going to spend Friday afternoon reviewing the package so that I can ask more constructive question.


  • I'm going to spend Friday afternoon reviewing the package so that I can ask more constructive question.



    Sorry so late to the party. I would try to find out which computer has a "portlock" activated for DATAPAGE and just install it and look around. It does come with a sample set of data for you to "play" with the functions.

    More tommorrow if I have the time.
  • You can install DP on any computer and will get at least 45 days to play with it without a portlock.