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Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Since I have never even seen DataPage running, it makes it hard to visual its integration. I didn't realise it was capable of summarising output to a printer.
It's good to hear that it is easy to setup. I'm a senior software engineer so I would hope my knowledge of computers should suffice, my knowledge of PCDMIS on the other hand is non existent.
The clean up sounds like it could be a problem as the process is aimed at technicians, but I suppose that isn't anything training or a scheduled review wouldn't fix.
You mention the one way traffic into DataPage. How does this transaction occur? Is it a function in PCDMIS triggered by the user?
Thanks again.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Since I have never even seen DataPage running, it makes it hard to visual its integration. I didn't realise it was capable of summarising output to a printer.
It's good to hear that it is easy to setup. I'm a senior software engineer so I would hope my knowledge of computers should suffice, my knowledge of PCDMIS on the other hand is non existent.
The clean up sounds like it could be a problem as the process is aimed at technicians, but I suppose that isn't anything training or a scheduled review wouldn't fix.
You mention the one way traffic into DataPage. How does this transaction occur? Is it a function in PCDMIS triggered by the user?
Thanks again.
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