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The second point is easier, so I answer that first:
From my point of view I understand you want to export the data to an csv-file. This can be done in | File | Save... | Save as (Configuration Excel export) provided the data are loaded. Simply put in the name "test.csv" will do the trick. The standard does not include the part identification number, but you can include this by going to | File | Configuration | Further settings | Configuration Excel export. On the right side you can chose the part identification number (normally K0014).
O-QIS is intended to show the collected data to the operator of the CMM. The user decides if everything has bee measured correctly and can review a limited history. This operator is normally not interested in very long time periods of historical data. For a "real" evaluation the data will normally be uploaded to a "real database" instead of the temporary one in O-QIS. To evaluate these Data you would use qs-STAT normally for machine or process capabilities. There you would be able to evaluate these data much easier than in O-QIS.
You are correct that Q-DAS does not know anything about Datapage. But if you describe the problem it is very likely that we have a solution.
The second point is easier, so I answer that first:
From my point of view I understand you want to export the data to an csv-file. This can be done in | File | Save... | Save as (Configuration Excel export) provided the data are loaded. Simply put in the name "test.csv" will do the trick. The standard does not include the part identification number, but you can include this by going to | File | Configuration | Further settings | Configuration Excel export. On the right side you can chose the part identification number (normally K0014).
O-QIS is intended to show the collected data to the operator of the CMM. The user decides if everything has bee measured correctly and can review a limited history. This operator is normally not interested in very long time periods of historical data. For a "real" evaluation the data will normally be uploaded to a "real database" instead of the temporary one in O-QIS. To evaluate these Data you would use qs-STAT normally for machine or process capabilities. There you would be able to evaluate these data much easier than in O-QIS.
You are correct that Q-DAS does not know anything about Datapage. But if you describe the problem it is very likely that we have a solution.
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