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Help. How to measure this wire

Hello all

I got an job to measure the wire, around datum A for 40 min, but how to start measure it?

The wire is about 11 mm from B to C
( I hided the exactly car coordinate system for B and C )
Thank you
  • Thank you for your feedback. That was the whole program. I took 3 samples hits on manual mode, then went for DCC, realized there was a big offset on Y direction from CYL-C, so I added a sample hit on datum B which was over 8 mm. I found one issue, 6 hits might not be enough for a cylinder on manual mode.
  • Thank you for your feedback. That was the whole program. I took 3 samples hits on manual mode, then went for DCC, realized there was a big offset on Y direction from CYL-C, so I added a sample hit on datum B which was over 8 mm. I found one issue, 6 hits might not be enough for a cylinder on manual mode.