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Framegrabber BS

Hey folks,

Anyone deal with this problem (link):


Tried the Hexagon 'solution' - but I don't think so! The camera went south for no reason. And... it remains a "NO" I'm not available.
Any ideas??

(see images from the camera manager)

But Hey!! The camera manager says this too! :

Whoaaa. The Mycrona guys in the Black Forest left town... and left us Optiv customers holding 2 LBs of s*it in a 1LB bag. Rolling eyes
  • First, I would check the wiring, then I would re-install all drivers (from IDS website).
  • What triggered this? Just randomly stopped working?
  • Hi JEFMAN... I pulled the shroud, unconnect/reconnected it. Pulled the camera plug into the (I forget what it's called) some kind of video card.. not sure if it's an Eagle/Falcon card like my previous Optiv (443 dual Z performance) and plugged it back in. There's a Hex instruction to do this on the site... specifically for the framegrabber. ini issue. But alas! It didn't help. I concur with you... am going to re-install the drivers tomorrow morning. Keeping fingers crossed - I have to only watch, since my govt employer only lets contractor IT folks to do ANYTHING. Criminy! But at least I can point him into the direction of the driver install... and if it's the wrong one, at least I can blame that on ME!! ;-)
  • Hi Barry.... Yeah.... the Optiv just 'stopped' If memory serves, I switched over to the CAD window to peruse some features and the trihedron, and then... BLAMMO!!! When I went to the Vision side, in big green letters: CAMERA: NONE Never had THIS happen before! Argh! I wouldn't expect something like this... but in the back of my mind...and really hoping it's not this, but maybe the IDS camera just crapped out! Hopefully, I come back tomorrow with good news, OR boo-hiss! Putting in a help ticket. (maybe it's my lucky day, and Doug will call me) lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • I should have included that:
    "Framegrabber initialization error - Unable to load WAI_FRAMEGRABBER.DLL due to missing dependent dlls. Please check Frame Grabber Device Drivers are installed correctly."

    is NOT the error I get.
    THIS cackle from the Hexagon site IS the error message, but I have NO IDEA where I'm going to locate the 6220_1.ini​ file.::::::::::::: WHO is the ENGINEERING who has the stock .ini file?????
    THIS is the error I get:

    CMM-V, Optiv 321, Optiv Classic 443 - PC-DMIS Vision

    When creating new programs or running old programs and getting a framegrabber initialization error, there are two primary issues known which prevent the camera from initializing:
    • The Ueye, (digital), camera is missing the ini file (for instance, 6220_1.ini is the stock file required in PC-DMIS).
    • The Digital Ueye camera communicates through an IP connection and the connection.has been disrupted or lost.

    • Copy over a stock ini file received from engineering. The location for this file is C:\ProgramData\WAI\PC-DMIS\2015.0. (Note: in PC-DMIS 2016 and higher "WAI" in the path is replaced with "Hexagon")
    • Open the Ueye IDS Camera Manager utility/interface. Use the Automatic ETH(ernet) Configuration button to reset the camera ethernet connection.
    BUT.... the second suggested solution in red is what I posted in the initial post. Sunglasses

  • Seems to me the network configuration for your camera has been lost somehow (no entries in the configuration).
  • Hey Tom, that blows. If it went out, at least those things are NOT expensive. *wink* (ツ)
  • That's a good call, - BUT as it ends up? there were probably TOO MANY entries in the cofig/ini recipe! Sunglasses
    So, we luckily got Doug S. (senior Optiv guru/test pilot/rocket scientist etc.. ) in on this issue. And if he could have came into the cockpit with TeamViewer, hours of troubleshooting might have been reduced to minutes.

    The history of the issue -(pre-Doug) IDS camera manager got into the act, and didn't like the camera manager release and firmware/drivers. OK. So we updated - I think it was from 4.90.xxx to 4.96.xxx. As the starting firmware got to installing at 96%, it crapped out. *error* Oh ok. Back to square one. Framegrabber initialization error.

    Doug had us change an .ini file from 5420M.ini to camera_5420M.ini, and place it the demon root folder, then tried it in program data, and... other places!
    Didn't help. Then, Doug sent us an older IDS SDK zip file. So we uninstalled the whole IDS enchilada, and installed the older package. No dice!

    We then changed the file names in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder - two files: something like uEYE_64.SYS and uEYE_64.DLL - we changed the VERSION under properties and took off the last xxx.xx..23.0 (the .0) and xxx.xx..18.0 OK.... I'm just guessing! But... that didn't fix it either. Doug was kind of running out of ideas... not sure who mentioned it, but in the IDS camera manager, we clicked the " automatic ETH configuration" button (it became available again) see the image up at start of this thread.....and..... VIOLA! Camera back online!!!!

    Obviously, Doug sending us the (new) OLDER release of the IDS SDK camera package worked. He said PC-DMIS doesn't like listening to the IDS regarding UPDATES. And? I think our employer forces new win 10 updates that satisfy themselves, but the Demon and IDS do not like! But that is out of an Optiv user's control. Strange error to start this story - but Doug is always the wiz who conjures up the solution!
    THANK YOU DOUG! Hope this thread might help anyone else using an Optiv.

    and P.S. if your boss will listen.... get a DUAL Z 443 Optiv - the standard Performance 443 model blows chunks for clearance in your routines. Sunglasses

  • That's a good call, - BUT as it ends up? there were probably TOO MANY entries in the cofig/ini recipe! Sunglasses
    So, we luckily got Doug S. (senior Optiv guru/test pilot/rocket scientist etc.. ) in on this issue. And if he could have came into the cockpit with TeamViewer, hours of troubleshooting might have been reduced to minutes.

    The history of the issue -(pre-Doug) IDS camera manager got into the act, and didn't like the camera manager release and firmware/drivers. OK. So we updated - I think it was from 4.90.xxx to 4.96.xxx. As the starting firmware got to installing at 96%, it crapped out. *error* Oh ok. Back to square one. Framegrabber initialization error.

    Doug had us change an .ini file from 5420M.ini to camera_5420M.ini, and place it the demon root folder, then tried it in program data, and... other places!
    Didn't help. Then, Doug sent us an older IDS SDK zip file. So we uninstalled the whole IDS enchilada, and installed the older package. No dice!

    We then changed the file names in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder - two files: something like uEYE_64.SYS and uEYE_64.DLL - we changed the VERSION under properties and took off the last xxx.xx..23.0 (the .0) and xxx.xx..18.0 OK.... I'm just guessing! But... that didn't fix it either. Doug was kind of running out of ideas... not sure who mentioned it, but in the IDS camera manager, we clicked the " automatic ETH configuration" button (it became available again) see the image up at start of this thread.....and..... VIOLA! Camera back online!!!!

    Obviously, Doug sending us the (new) OLDER release of the IDS SDK camera package worked. He said PC-DMIS doesn't like listening to the IDS regarding UPDATES. And? I think our employer forces new win 10 updates that satisfy themselves, but the Demon and IDS do not like! But that is out of an Optiv user's control. Strange error to start this story - but Doug is always the wiz who conjures up the solution!
    THANK YOU DOUG! Hope this thread might help anyone else using an Optiv.

    and P.S. if your boss will listen.... get a DUAL Z 443 Optiv - the standard Performance 443 model blows chunks for clearance in your routines. Sunglasses

    Doug is definitely something else! He has helped me so many times. He's one of the best at Hexagon!
  • LÔÔks like I'm going to need to pester Doug again. Can't believe it, but after sitting for a few days, I went to use the machine and...... what!!??? the camera is on vacation again. SAME errors.
    I know the facility pushes windows updates and patches on a regular basis, but this time it doesn't look like they jaspered anything - BUT:::::::
    now the IDS camera manager shows the camera is free and available.
    I open up the Demon - poof! the camera immediately goes south in the camera manager. OK....
    so I try next time only using the uEYE cockpit utility - to see if it is the Demon that's the problem. No. As soon as I click to get a live video feed, the camera dies.
    I have to ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew the IP addresses to get the camera manager to see the camera again. Then, the camera dies again no matter what utility asks the camera to start.
    It's also weird.... if I unplug, then put back in the ethernet cable, the camera shows in cam manager again... BUT that connection is just for normal network shenanigans.. not for the camera to talk to the PC and the dedicated network card in the computer case. AAAAAAAAARGH!
    ( and I'm already using the biggest sledgehammer we have in our lab arsenal ) Rolling eyes