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Datapage Error Message

When I run my part through, normally, it sends the stats to Datapage at the end of the program. Now, I'm getting an error message: "Cant open dbd File - Error 5". HELP!
  • It won't let me edit any of the files with the 8 or more characters, they're all "Access Denied" no matter what I try. Even if I try to delete the files, it won't let me do that either. I created another file, and Datapage sends the stats to it, no problem, no error message, and nothing is "Access Denied". I just want to prevent this from happening again.
  • It won't let me edit any of the files with the 8 or more characters, they're all "Access Denied" no matter what I try. Even if I try to delete the files, it won't let me do that either. I created another file, and Datapage sends the stats to it, no problem, no error message, and nothing is "Access Denied". I just want to prevent this from happening again.

    8.3, everything dealing with DATAPAGE needs to be 8.3, the OLD DOS conventions.
    do not use any of the following: ~!@#$%^&*()-=+/\
    In fact, use only NUMBERS, LETTERS, and possibly the underscore _

    Here's an option, open a DOS COMMAND PROMPT and navigate to where you need to go and try it from there. Any directory longer than 8 characters will show up truncated with a ~ in it. Try to rename from the DOS (COMMAND) PROMPT WINDOW.
  • 8.3, everything dealing with DATAPAGE needs to be 8.3, the OLD DOS conventions.
    do not use any of the following: ~!@#$%^&*()-=+/\
    In fact, use only NUMBERS, LETTERS, and possibly the underscore _

    While it is true that the Editor is limited to the 8 characters, DataPage (version 3.2 at least) can support the longer directory names. The user can create a nice long name for the database path, use the Editor browse button to drive to that location realizing that the short name will use the ~, and create the new database.
  • I have version 3.33. The new files I've created seemed to be working, and I've already talked to our IT guy about backing up the files from now on. I would just hate for this to happen again in 6 months.
  • While it is true that the Editor is limited to the 8 characters, DataPage (version 3.2 at least) can support the longer directory names. The user can create a nice long name for the database path, use the Editor browse button to drive to that location realizing that the short name will use the ~, and create the new database.

    It is a FAR FAR BETTER THING to be safe than sorry. It isn't a big deal to stick with DOS conventions, at least, I don't have problems with it, AND:
    1) I have NEVER 'lost' a database
    2) RARELY have had need to delete the VISTA and LOCKMGR files (3 or 4 times I think)
    3) I am a DOS-STER. I can navigate in DOS fairly well, not too many of us left and the TILDAE (~) is a natural object to me.

    Seems pretty STUPID to me that one half of the package can do the 'longer' and not the other, but I guess that's why I am not a 'coder'.

    One thing about the ~ is that if you have 5 directories (not folders, I am DOS-MAN!) that all start with the same 6 characters, they will 'look' the same in a DOS window with the EXCEPTION that the last character will be a number. Sample Directories:
    they will look like this in DOS
    So, which IS which and are you sure??????
  • I have no idea how to navigate through DOS. I'm not even sure where it's located.
  • I have no idea how to navigate through DOS. I'm not even sure where it's located.

    Rookie! Just kidding. I started 'playing' with computers in the 1970's (late 1970's) and worked DOS for un-counted years. Started working with Pcdmis & Datapage when they were DOS (and Windows 3.1 was not even out yet). I still do some stuff in DOS, I have some VERY HANDY batch files that set up all my directories for each new job as it comes in (open the COMMAND PROMPT WINDOW or DOS PROMPT) and type in "NEWJOB 27586" (no quotes) and it creates the 6 major directories I may need as well as about 15 sub-directories. ALL using DOS conventions (8.3 names) and a couple more that will archive off all the data from all the created directories "archive 27586" and they are placed in the ARCHIVES directory and are ready to burn to DVD's. I even have one for recalling an archived job that has not been purged (archived but not burned and deleted) to put it all back into the proper places. Ah, dos is SWEET and easy. Same things can be done in VB as well.
  • I wasn't even born in the 70's, old guy. Slight smile

    But really, I'd have no clue how to use DOS or even navigate through it. I assume you're talking about the Command Prompt (I have Windows XP). Should I just call the Datapage software guys to figure out what's going on?
  • I wasn't even born in the 70's, old guy. Slight smile

    But really, I'd have no clue how to use DOS or even navigate through it. I assume you're talking about the Command Prompt (I have Windows XP). Should I just call the Datapage software guys to figure out what's going on?

    Might be your best bet at this point, IF you have a current SMA, if not, they will not be very willing to help.
  • How long do SMA's generally last? I'll have to get that information from my supervisor first.
  • How long do SMA's generally last? I'll have to get that information from my supervisor first.

    Usually a year. You have to pay each year to renew
  • OK, we should be covered then. We bought the machine this year.
  • We have certain parts of PC Dmis that are networked, but Datapage only runs on the PC itself, in the C:// drive. I have Datapage set up for different parts, and when I try to open each folder, I get the same error message. I assume all the files are corrupt then. I will try an reboot the PC, but I have a feeling all the files are corrupt. Before I went out of town, everything was working fine. But I come back on Monday, and it starts giving me error messages. Weird.

    What's crazy is that it'll let me into some of my Datapage files, but not others. The most recent one's I've created (this month), it will let me into, and it will let me delete the Vista and LOCKMGR.BDL file. But the older files, I can't even get into. I get the Error 5 message, and when I try to delete those 2 files, I get Access Denied.

    It won't let me edit any of the files with the 8 or more characters, they're all "Access Denied" no matter what I try. Even if I try to delete the files, it won't let me do that either. I created another file, and Datapage sends the stats to it, no problem, no error message, and nothing is "Access Denied". I just want to prevent this from happening again.

    Did anyone change your user permissions?
    Error 5 is Access Denied.

    I think that SABarber might be on to something here. Has anything changed in the last month that might effect your user profile? For example a user name change, maybe a computer update, password change? There could have even been some kind of IT change that may have blitzed something in you user profile. Try to check your user permissions for the corrupted files, not just the file permissions. What version of Windoze are you using? I have XP and on mine, depending on what IT allows, I can check the user permissions for a given file. If you right click on one of the files that it wont let you access and select properties there is a security tab, at least on my version of Windoze, here you can check user permissions for the files in question. Verify that your login name has access to work with the files in question. You will especialy want to verify that you can change the lock files. If there was some sort of change in the last month to your user profile and you don't have correct user rights it MAY explain why you can create new database files (files created under your current profile will automatically have full rights for your user) and old files may not let you access (user profile does not have enough rights). Just a stab in the dark, but it will take you less time to check than it did to read all of this...
  • I wasn't even born in the 70's, old guy. Slight smile

    But really, I'd have no clue how to use DOS or even navigate through it. I assume you're talking about the Command Prompt (I have Windows XP). Should I just call the Datapage software guys to figure out what's going on?

    You rookies just have no appreciation for the good old days. DOS was sooo much fun. It's too bad they had to "dumb things down" with Windows, and it keeps getting worse with each new version.
  • Seems pretty STUPID to me that one half of the package can do the 'longer' and not the other, but I guess that's why I am not a 'coder'.

    I agree it is not ideal. The Editor remains a 16bit application due to the spreadsheet control being used. The rest of the datapage suite is full 32bit applications.