With the form and button bar designer, reports as well as the button bars (quick start bars) can be customized.
Table of Contents
Form Designer
Reports are one of the tools for the simple presentation of data collected and evaluated in Q-DAS applications. Properly configured and used, the reports enable evaluation time to be significantly reduced by providing all relevant information at a glance. With Form Designer, new report templates (forms) can be created, and existing ones modified. For better clarity and comprehensibility, this page contains topic-specific documents structured by the Form Designer functions.
Basic handling |
English:PDF | German:PDF |
Text elements in reports |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
References and links in reports |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
Report templates with placeholders |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
Table of contents in the reports |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
Reduction of paper consumption by using container |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
Language settings for reports / forms / graphics |
Logo in Reports |
Embedding graphics using connecting lines |
Button Bar Designer
Display button bars This document describes the possibilities of displaying the button bars in the Q-DAS applications. |
English:PDF | German:PDF |
Button Bar Designer |
English:PDF | German:PDF | |
Combination of the function codes in the Q-DAS applications |
Overview of Q-DAS Script Commands |
CAS Form Designer
The Form Designer (Q-FD) is an indispensable tool for the successful automated use of Q-DAS products. For a long time it led a shadowy existence as an additional option; only customers who worked together with Q-DAS experts in projects knew the possibilities of this tool. This series of case studies and the templates provided (as idea generators) are intended to demonstrate the possibilities of this tool.
With the form designer, all graphics and output points can be compiled into finished reports, and many graphics have even more configuration options in the form itself than in the software itself. The user can thus fall back on ready-made templates and does not have to search for his information in the software himself. This makes it possible to work quickly, especially in combination with the automated reporting system. Therefore, the form designer is one of the most important tools, besides the classic products, to follow the principle of Q-DAS:
Everyone should be able to work with the results!
No one should work to get results!
Despite the attempt to describe the possibilities, it is recommended to attend a training course on this topic after studying the documents or to discuss your own wishes in a project.
The individual case studies are structured thematically, and an attempt is made to answer more complex questions from beginning to end. However, the order in which the case studies are created is more or less "chaotic", as the authors also respond to requests from the projects during the creation process and some more complex case studies are brought forward. It is recommended to call up the page with the news in the help from time to time.
Q-FD Basics
At the beginning of the series, the basic handling will be roughly explained. However, all topics will be dealt with in greater depth in the following case studies.
CAS 0201 Page Creation and Templates
An Explanation how pages are created, and which of the templates can be used for a specific own report. |
English:PDF |
CAS 0202 Consecutive Pages and Sections Describes how to customise the creation of consecutive pages and how to work with different sections in a report. |
English: PDF |
CAS 0203 Report identifier and Validation
Explanations, how a report can contain identifier to show who has printed when the report, for example for Validation purposes. |
English: PDF | ||
CAS 0204 Small Header on consecutive pages to save space
Explanation, how a header on consecutive Pages can be created smaller then on the front page, so save space on following pages for list graphics. |
English: PDF | ||
CAS 0205 Graphic Changings in Existing Reports
Explanation, how in existing report templates existing graphics can be adjusted for own needs. |
English: PDF |
Q-FD - Reports with Values
The question of reports that show all individual measured values is not often asked. Nevertheless, this will be explained here using various examples. Parallel to this, reports are shown that only display certain measurements in a filtered manner.
CAS 0211 Individual Value Reports
Explanations of the possibilities for reports with single values. |
English:PDF |
Q-FD - Overview Reports
Case studies for overview-reports, showing results over more than one loaded dataset.
CAS 0231 Overview-Reports One-Pager
Example of Reports, where many Datasets at the same time can be reported in an overview report. |
English:PDF |
CAS 0232 Placeholder for graphics, Interactive Reports
Examples of reports with placeholders and interactive reports, where the user can decide during the manual printing process which main graphic is to be printed. |
English:PDF |