Standard delivery of Q-DAS software comes with 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
The default that is used most of the time is 32-bit version. However, there are some cases when 64-bit version might be a good idea.
But first let’s talk about when not to use 64-bit version:
When using analysis tools like qs-STAT and solara.MP without vast volume of the data.
- When access databases are used.
- When the only reason would be that the OS is 64 bit.
What are the differences when 64-bit version is used:
Databases must be MS SQL or Oracle.
- Drivers for database communication must be 64-bit version.
- Client PC must have 64-bit operating system.
- Some DLLs are missing for measuring equipment.
When to use 64-bit version:
- For better upload performance when Q-DM as a service is installed, and vast amount of data is being processed.
- For better reporting performance when M-QIS is installed, and vast amount of data is being processed.
In conclusion, when we are talking about general usage of the software and client installations, 64-bit versions do not have any advantage and in some cases, it has disadvantages because of special requirements. Arguably, 32-bit version is then a “go to” option for most companies.