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Command Argument Out of Limit Emergency Error

I am having issue with a stubborn error message "Command Argument Out of Limit"

The program errored out with a similar message in the Z (which was odd because the part was moving X-Y at 90, 90). So I recalibrated probe and received the same message after the head rotated from 90, -90 to 90, 90.

After a machine restart, the error is coming up after homing the machine and cannot do anything else.

Any help?

  • Make sure you debugging turned on in PCDMIS with all available data being sent to the file. Open up your debug file and do a text search for the text of that error message. Now read upwards and try to determine exactly what command was being sent at the time time that the error message was triggered. I haven't seen this particular message before but the debut file can often add some important clues.
  • same issue

    I got this error, as I was leaving for the weekend, last Friday. Now Monday, I am praying that a thorough wipe down of the scales and a machine shut off and reboot will get rid of the error. I will be back on if I have any info to report but please do the same in case the problem is not fixed with a simple on/ off. Thanks everyone.
  • I can not even read the error. If you do a ctrl-Alt-print screen it will only print the pop up window and not the entire screen.

    Check your parameter settings. For some reason the "Low force:" had been changed to 0.0 N. I changed it back to 0.06 N, as it was originally set.

    Not sure if this is your problem BCB, but give your probe parameter settings a look. Maybe reset them to default. All I know is that my machine seems to be running smoothly again. Thank God.
  • I suspect that you could get this error when attempting pass any value to the controller that is outside of the acceptable range for that parameter. In A.Morales' case it was the value for the low force parameter but it could just as easily have been some other parameter. The debug file should allow you to identify exactly what was being passed to the controller at the instant that the error was triggered so you won't have to go hunting through hundreds of parameters looking for the culprit.
  • DaSalo - What would I exactly be looking for the in the debug file? It was seemingly 5 pages of incoherent coding as opposed to looking at the parameters? I am fairly new to these long strings of code.

    I also cannot look/edit anything once the machine homes, and the error appears. There is no clicking on anything else on the computer. I have to open task manager, shut down PCD manually.

    I noticed that as well. hopefully this one works better. -There is also a position message on the bottom left which I assume would be helpful in trying to decipher the problem.

    Attached Files
  • A Hexagon rep. also suggested creating a new qual. sphere tool and re-calibrating probes, which in theory sounds like it would be the answer - but as mentioned, I cannot access anything once the error appears. I can look at the essentials/debug file after shutting down and ignoring the machine homing, but other than that - I got nothin
  • I can't read the message in lower left clearly but it looks like it might have the text PRBPIN followed by an offset matrix. If this is the case then I agree with the Hexagon rep. It seems like you might have an invalid probe offset matrix in the controller and every time the controller tries to boot it reads in that invalid matrix and throws this error. You could try renaming the folder that contains all of your probe files so that PCDMIS can't see any of them when it starts up. If that doesn't do it then either the last used matrix is stored in the registry, in the controller, or both. One way or another they need to get cleared/reset. This is pure speculation mind you. This might not be the problem at all but it's the best guess I have based on what I can see in the screenshot.

    If you open the debug file in some software that will let you search the text you can just search for the error message, or a piece of it. It will be in there somewhere. Then look upwards and you will see what was happening in the loading process at that time. If this type of troubleshooting is outside of your comfort zone I suggest you call in a technician from Hexagon to get it sorted out. Watch how they go about it, ask lots of questions, and you'll be in a better position next time something comes up.
  • That seemed to have fix it - I renamed the probe folder, and changed the search path for the probe directory. Was able to get in and requalify the probes. I am looking at the program that seemed to create this problem (A customer's :alienSlight smile, so I don't have to go through all of this again.

    Another problem that stemmed from my screwing around with all of this is that any new probe comes with a pop-up that asks if I'd like to update to the new format (?) of probes. I click no and move on, but it makes me wonder what I did or can do to stop this.

    Thanks for all the help, especially with the lack of quality in screenshots.

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  • Your probe files must have been created with an older version of the software and are now being opened in a newer version. If you have a specific need to retain backwards compatibility then you can say "No" to that but in general I would think you will want to say "Yes".

    An example of when you might want to say "No" is when you are creating the probe files offline using a very recent version of PcDMIs but want to copy those files over to a number of different machines that have older versions of PCDMIS on them.