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Is someone else using it? Are you logged on under 2 different names? Are the readlock / writelock setting correct? Is the Xstats11.tmp file size >0 bytes? if it is...delete it. File/Directory names 8 characters or less? These are common issues that come to mind..let me kow if it helps.
No, This is the only seat However it is backed up in IT.
We did have a system problem yestreday.
I don't log in, not sure about read/write thing were would I look
Sorry newer userer.
I have been using DP the last few day with no other problems
so directory name and things are ok.
Were would I look for that?
the readlock/writelock settings are set-up in the insert "stats" command block..I think you can edit them straight from the program though....the time settings can't be equal if I remember correctly...
delete the vista.taf, lockmngr.dbl and xstats file like you did before...exit dataPage and shutdown cold...reboot and see if the deleted files are back...sometimes they are stored as .bak files in the Temp directory...shutdown should clear it all out for you...other than that..I don't know...I'd have to go d*ck around with one of my machines to duplicate your error...I'll get back with something (hopefully new) soon...
What did he " fix"...those IT guys aren't trustworthy
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