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IJK problems with tactile and optics

I'm at a new company so the Optiv Performance 443 is a new beast to me. Apparently this machine was a floor demo from Hexagon R.I. and was giving the last guy problems as well, but no one here remembers exactly what they were. Anyway, here's my problem....Every probe or camera I build is stuck with the same bad IJKs: <.45399> <.0005> <.89101>
I try to edit the IJK values in the probe utilities but the numbers won't stick.
Another annoyance is that the sliders to set the illumination value for top, bottom and ring lights are real funky. I move the slider up to 95 or so and get no light, then above that it turns everything full-blown white.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
edit: I should add am using 2015.1 sp10 and 2016 sp8.
  • I don't now about Optiv, but I would check the vector (or angle) of the ring used to calibrate.
    You could also try to delete the tool and create a new one.
    I read on the forum that on optical cmms, you have to calibrate first the optics, then the ttp.

    Your IJK gives a angle of 27 degrees, could this value helps you to find the problem ?????
  • There is a chain of command when calibrating vision and tactile. That may have been calibrated incorrectly. In addition, the illumination settings may need to be recalibrated along with the optics. When I get to the CMM I can get you more information. However, the HELP file may have all that built in already. I'll respond back later. Hope you find what you are looking for.
  • In the HELP file, search for 'Calibrate Optics', this will help with calibrating the camera to the artifact slide that should be with the machine. Do not calibrate the optics if you don't have the slide artifact. It should be a small clear card about the size of a credit card.

    Next, search for 'Calibrate Illumination', this will calibrate the illumination settings of the Top Light, Back Light, and Ring Light. This will affect the light settings. I use a white sheet of paper. To find the focal point, I zoom into the edge of paper to get a clear rugged edge of the paper. Then move the camera over so all your see is the paper (no edges of the paper). Using the white piece of paper is used for the Top and Ring Light. For Back Light, take the paper off and have the camera sit over the open glass.

    Now, 'Calibrate Probe Offset' is where you calibrate the tactile probes to the vision probe. The vision probe is the Master Probe. View this thread on doing this correctly. If not done correctly, you will see the jacked up stuff you seeing now. http://www.pcdmisforum.com/forum/pc-dmis-enterprise-metrology-software/pc-dmis-vision/390026-vision-and-probe-calibration-offset

    Good luck.
  • thank you both for the replies! I have the Hex slide/plate and the HexaVision 102 training manual (with the 'don't break the calibration chain' stuff) and was able to do a full calibration (Optic center, Optics, Illumination and Probe Offset) But I don't trust results because of the jaspered IJKs for both optical and tactile. I get the following IJKs no matter what I try to build, be it a probe tip or camera.

    The weird thing is that if I open any program OFFLINE at the Optiv, I can enter in IJK of 0,0,1 and it sticks. This makes me think there is something f'd up with the machine. Again, thx you guys for reading this.......

    Attached Files
  • Is there a vector in the hex plate setting ?
  • Your camera vector should be 0,0,1. I would think you should be able to manually change this within the probe data. Your camera will never be at a 27° angle.

    Again, I am not at my Optiv machine right now to check out what my probe settings are.

    Update: Camera vector is 0,0,1. Try changing it. You may jack everything up and may need to recalibrate everything again, but then at least you have it correct. This may impact some programs...not entirely sure on that one.
  • @JEFMAN.... no, there's no vector and no setting for that matter. Its just a small thin rectangular glass plate (much like the lens in a welder's hood) with extremely fine target etchings. I (carefully) place it directly on the bare glass stage when requested by the Demon during calibration.

    @bfire85..... yeah, this is the BIG part of the problem. I can ENTER the correct vector in the Edit Probe Data box, but when I click OK, the vector reverts to.... uh...well, you know...... the 27° one!!
    ARRRGH!! this bad vector data is becoming tattooed on my brain! Astonished
  • Can you create a new vision probe, copying the parameters minus the incorrect vector data?
  • I'm not at the cmm (and I don't have optiv Disappointed !), can you search in the setting editor / vision about a vector of probe or an angle ?
  • no matter what new probe I create, the IJKs always revert back to the 27° abnormal vector. I also loaded a backup of the settings editor which someone made last year..... Still same prob!! Confused