By default, a newly created upload has the following setting for part information (K1xxx) and separately for characteristic information (K2xxx):
What does this mean?
Let's say the key fields in the upload are only K1001 and K2002. And a DFQ file would only contain these 4 lines:
K0100 1
K1001 Part-Type
K2002 Characteristic-Name
K0001 10,123
The upload opens the file and searches for the key fields to add the measurements to the existing test plan. But first it overwrites ALL K-fields in the database that are not key fields. The problem here is that after opening the file, ALL K-fields exist at the part and characteristic level! This is the default of the software until the field is written. A DFQ file therefore always contains ALL K-fields, whether they are written or not. And there are several hundred of them at all levels.
In the process for uploading a DFQ file, this means:
- Open DFQ
- Identify key fields
- Identify the inspection plan in the database
- Overwrite approximately 400 non-key fields at part level in the database
- Overwrite approximately 600 non-key fields at characteristic level in the database
- Append measured values to the test plan
This is not a "bug" in the software! The basic idea is as follows: The measuring machine is correct, the Q-DAS software only processes this information. And this would also mean that a K field, which would have been changed in this test plan in the database via the Q-DAS software, would then be overwritten with the default. And the default can be "nothing", because "nothing" is also information.
Now it depends on the data flow! If the customer can confirm that there are NO changes in the inspection plans (in terms of non-key fields), then this can be changed for part and characteristic data so that all non-key K fields are ignored.
Depending on the number of characteristics, this can speed up an upload by a factor of 5-20 as the process has now changed as follows.
- Open DFQ
- Identify key fields
- Identify the inspection plan in the database
- Append measured values to the test plan